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TON Connect for Telegram Bots - Python


This guide explains an outdated method of integrating TON Connect with Telegram bots. For a more secure and modern approach, consider using [Telegram Mini Apps](/v3/guidelines/dapps/tma/overview for a more modern and secure integration.

In this tutorial, we’ll create a sample telegram bot that supports TON Connect 2.0 authentication using Python TON Connect SDK pytonconnect. We will analyze connecting a wallet, sending a transaction, getting data about the connected wallet, and disconnecting a wallet.

Open Demo Bot

Check out GitHub


Install libraries

To make bot we are going to use aiogram 3.0 Python library. To start integrating TON Connect into your Telegram bot, you need to install the pytonconnect package. And to use TON primitives and parse user address we need pytoniq-core. You can use pip for this purpose:

pip install aiogram pytoniq-core python-dotenv
pip install pytonconnect

Set up config

Specify in .env file bot token and link to the TON Connect manifest file. After load them in config.py:

# .env

# config.py

from os import environ as env

from dotenv import load_dotenv

TOKEN = env['TOKEN']

Create simple bot

Create main.py file which will contain the main bot code:

# main.py

import sys
import logging
import asyncio

import config

from aiogram import Bot, Dispatcher, F
from aiogram.enums import ParseMode
from aiogram.filters import CommandStart, Command
from aiogram.types import Message, CallbackQuery

logger = logging.getLogger(__file__)

dp = Dispatcher()
bot = Bot(config.TOKEN, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML)

async def command_start_handler(message: Message):
await message.answer(text='Hi!')

async def main() -> None:
await bot.delete_webhook(drop_pending_updates=True) # skip_updates = True
await dp.start_polling(bot)

if __name__ == "__main__":
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, stream=sys.stdout)

Wallet connection

TON Connect Storage

Let's create simple storage for TON Connect

# tc_storage.py

from pytonconnect.storage import IStorage, DefaultStorage

storage = {}

class TcStorage(IStorage):

def __init__(self, chat_id: int):
self.chat_id = chat_id

def _get_key(self, key: str):
return str(self.chat_id) + key

async def set_item(self, key: str, value: str):
storage[self._get_key(key)] = value

async def get_item(self, key: str, default_value: str = None):
return storage.get(self._get_key(key), default_value)

async def remove_item(self, key: str):

Connection handler

Firstly, we need function which returns different instances for each user:

# connector.py

from pytonconnect import TonConnect

import config
from tc_storage import TcStorage

def get_connector(chat_id: int):
return TonConnect(config.MANIFEST_URL, storage=TcStorage(chat_id))

Secondary, let's add connection handler in command_start_handler():

# main.py

async def command_start_handler(message: Message):
chat_id = message.chat.id
connector = get_connector(chat_id)
connected = await connector.restore_connection()

mk_b = InlineKeyboardBuilder()
if connected:
mk_b.button(text='Send Transaction', callback_data='send_tr')
mk_b.button(text='Disconnect', callback_data='disconnect')
await message.answer(text='You are already connected!', reply_markup=mk_b.as_markup())
wallets_list = TonConnect.get_wallets()
for wallet in wallets_list:
mk_b.button(text=wallet['name'], callback_data=f'connect:{wallet["name"]}')
mk_b.adjust(1, )
await message.answer(text='Choose wallet to connect', reply_markup=mk_b.as_markup())

Now, for a user who has not yet connected a wallet, the bot sends a message with buttons for all available wallets. So we need to write function to handle connect:{wallet["name"]} callbacks:

# main.py

async def connect_wallet(message: Message, wallet_name: str):
connector = get_connector(message.chat.id)

wallets_list = connector.get_wallets()
wallet = None

for w in wallets_list:
if w['name'] == wallet_name:
wallet = w

if wallet is None:
raise Exception(f'Unknown wallet: {wallet_name}')

generated_url = await connector.connect(wallet)

mk_b = InlineKeyboardBuilder()
mk_b.button(text='Connect', url=generated_url)

await message.answer(text='Connect wallet within 3 minutes', reply_markup=mk_b.as_markup())

mk_b = InlineKeyboardBuilder()
mk_b.button(text='Start', callback_data='start')

for i in range(1, 180):
await asyncio.sleep(1)
if connector.connected:
if connector.account.address:
wallet_address = connector.account.address
wallet_address = Address(wallet_address).to_str(is_bounceable=False)
await message.answer(f'You are connected with address <code>{wallet_address}</code>', reply_markup=mk_b.as_markup())
logger.info(f'Connected with address: {wallet_address}')

await message.answer(f'Timeout error!', reply_markup=mk_b.as_markup())

@dp.callback_query(lambda call: True)
async def main_callback_handler(call: CallbackQuery):
await call.answer()
message = call.message
data = call.data
if data == "start":
await command_start_handler(message)
elif data == "send_tr":
await send_transaction(message)
elif data == 'disconnect':
await disconnect_wallet(message)
data = data.split(':')
if data[0] == 'connect':
await connect_wallet(message, data[1])

Bot gives user 3 minutes to connect a wallet, after which it reports a timeout error.

Implement Transaction requesting

Let's take one of examples from the Message builders article:

# messages.py

from base64 import urlsafe_b64encode

from pytoniq_core import begin_cell

def get_comment_message(destination_address: str, amount: int, comment: str) -> dict:

data = {
'address': destination_address,
'amount': str(amount),
'payload': urlsafe_b64encode(
.store_uint(0, 32) # op code for comment message
.store_string(comment) # store comment
.end_cell() # end cell
.to_boc() # convert it to boc
.decode() # encode it to urlsafe base64

return data

And add send_transaction() function in the main.py file:

# main.py

async def send_transaction(message: Message):
connector = get_connector(message.chat.id)
connected = await connector.restore_connection()
if not connected:
await message.answer('Connect wallet first!')

transaction = {
'valid_until': int(time.time() + 3600),
'messages': [
amount=int(0.01 * 10 ** 9),
comment='hello world!'

await message.answer(text='Approve transaction in your wallet app!')
await connector.send_transaction(

But we also should handle possible errors, so we wrap the send_transaction method into try - except statement:

async def send_transaction(message: Message):
await message.answer(text='Approve transaction in your wallet app!')
await asyncio.wait_for(connector.send_transaction(
), 300)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
await message.answer(text='Timeout error!')
except pytonconnect.exceptions.UserRejectsError:
await message.answer(text='You rejected the transaction!')
except Exception as e:
await message.answer(text=f'Unknown error: {e}')

Add disconnect handler

This function implementation is simple enough:

async def disconnect_wallet(message: Message):
connector = get_connector(message.chat.id)
await connector.restore_connection()
await connector.disconnect()
await message.answer('You have been successfully disconnected!')

Currently, the project has the following structure:

├── config.py
├── connector.py
├── main.py
├── messages.py
└── tc_storage.py

And the main.py looks like this:

Show main.py
# main.py

import sys
import logging
import asyncio
import time

import pytonconnect.exceptions
from pytoniq_core import Address
from pytonconnect import TonConnect

import config
from messages import get_comment_message
from connector import get_connector

from aiogram import Bot, Dispatcher, F
from aiogram.enums import ParseMode
from aiogram.filters import CommandStart, Command
from aiogram.types import Message, CallbackQuery
from aiogram.utils.keyboard import InlineKeyboardBuilder

logger = logging.getLogger(__file__)

dp = Dispatcher()
bot = Bot(config.TOKEN, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML)

async def command_start_handler(message: Message):
chat_id = message.chat.id
connector = get_connector(chat_id)
connected = await connector.restore_connection()

mk_b = InlineKeyboardBuilder()
if connected:
mk_b.button(text='Send Transaction', callback_data='send_tr')
mk_b.button(text='Disconnect', callback_data='disconnect')
await message.answer(text='You are already connected!', reply_markup=mk_b.as_markup())

wallets_list = TonConnect.get_wallets()
for wallet in wallets_list:
mk_b.button(text=wallet['name'], callback_data=f'connect:{wallet["name"]}')
mk_b.adjust(1, )
await message.answer(text='Choose wallet to connect', reply_markup=mk_b.as_markup())

async def send_transaction(message: Message):
connector = get_connector(message.chat.id)
connected = await connector.restore_connection()
if not connected:
await message.answer('Connect wallet first!')

transaction = {
'valid_until': int(time.time() + 3600),
'messages': [
amount=int(0.01 * 10 ** 9),
comment='hello world!'

await message.answer(text='Approve transaction in your wallet app!')
await asyncio.wait_for(connector.send_transaction(
), 300)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
await message.answer(text='Timeout error!')
except pytonconnect.exceptions.UserRejectsError:
await message.answer(text='You rejected the transaction!')
except Exception as e:
await message.answer(text=f'Unknown error: {e}')

async def connect_wallet(message: Message, wallet_name: str):
connector = get_connector(message.chat.id)

wallets_list = connector.get_wallets()
wallet = None

for w in wallets_list:
if w['name'] == wallet_name:
wallet = w

if wallet is None:
raise Exception(f'Unknown wallet: {wallet_name}')

generated_url = await connector.connect(wallet)

mk_b = InlineKeyboardBuilder()
mk_b.button(text='Connect', url=generated_url)

await message.answer(text='Connect wallet within 3 minutes', reply_markup=mk_b.as_markup())

mk_b = InlineKeyboardBuilder()
mk_b.button(text='Start', callback_data='start')

for i in range(1, 180):
await asyncio.sleep(1)
if connector.connected:
if connector.account.address:
wallet_address = connector.account.address
wallet_address = Address(wallet_address).to_str(is_bounceable=False)
await message.answer(f'You are connected with address <code>{wallet_address}</code>', reply_markup=mk_b.as_markup())
logger.info(f'Connected with address: {wallet_address}')

await message.answer(f'Timeout error!', reply_markup=mk_b.as_markup())

async def disconnect_wallet(message: Message):
connector = get_connector(message.chat.id)
await connector.restore_connection()
await connector.disconnect()
await message.answer('You have been successfully disconnected!')

@dp.callback_query(lambda call: True)
async def main_callback_handler(call: CallbackQuery):
await call.answer()
message = call.message
data = call.data
if data == "start":
await command_start_handler(message)
elif data == "send_tr":
await send_transaction(message)
elif data == 'disconnect':
await disconnect_wallet(message)
data = data.split(':')
if data[0] == 'connect':
await connect_wallet(message, data[1])

async def main() -> None:
await bot.delete_webhook(drop_pending_updates=True) # skip_updates = True
await dp.start_polling(bot)

if __name__ == "__main__":
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, stream=sys.stdout)


Add permanent storage - Redis

Currently, our TON Connect Storage uses dict which causes to lost sessions after bot restart. Let's add permanent database storage with Redis:

After you launched Redis database install python library to interact with it:

pip install redis

And update TcStorage class in tc_storage.py:

import redis.asyncio as redis

client = redis.Redis(host='localhost', port=6379)

class TcStorage(IStorage):

def __init__(self, chat_id: int):
self.chat_id = chat_id

def _get_key(self, key: str):
return str(self.chat_id) + key

async def set_item(self, key: str, value: str):
await client.set(name=self._get_key(key), value=value)

async def get_item(self, key: str, default_value: str = None):
value = await client.get(name=self._get_key(key))
return value.decode() if value else default_value

async def remove_item(self, key: str):
await client.delete(self._get_key(key))

Add QR Code

Install python qrcode package to generate them:

pip install qrcode

Change connect_wallet() function so it generates qrcode and sends it as a photo to the user:

from io import BytesIO
import qrcode
from aiogram.types import BufferedInputFile

async def connect_wallet(message: Message, wallet_name: str):

img = qrcode.make(generated_url)
stream = BytesIO()
file = BufferedInputFile(file=stream.getvalue(), filename='qrcode')

await message.answer_photo(photo=file, caption='Connect wallet within 3 minutes', reply_markup=mk_b.as_markup())



What is next?

  • You can add better errors handling in the bot.
  • You can add start text and something like /connect_wallet command.

See Also